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The Truth About Egg Yolks

Egg Yolks Nutrition facts

For years we’ve been told to stay away from egg yolks because they are unhealthy and increase levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Is this really true?  Let’s lay out some facts and clear up the truth, once and for all.

First let’s break down cholesterol

It’s important to understand there are 3 things that cause high cholesterol in humans. Saturated fat, trans fat and dietary cholesterol. Nearly 30 years ago scientists discovered high cholesterol was associated with heart disease, and dietary foods high in cholesterol were targeted as the offenders. In the past 10 years new scientific studies have been released that tell us cholesterol in food is not the leading culprit – rather saturated and trans fats have a much more prominent impact on cholesterol.  

Recent research from the Harvard school of public health has shown moderate egg consumption—up to one a day—does not increase heart disease risk in healthy individuals and can be part of a healthy diet. This doesn’t mean you now can fire up the skillet and make a 5 whole egg omelet every morning, but in moderation you should be fine (1-2 yolks a day).

If you are a person that consumes large amounts of eggs for your diet then consider having no more than 1-2 yolks and make the rest egg whites. 

It’s important to note that while eating eggs isn’t associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease,  those with diabetes or high levels of cholesterol need to be cautious with egg yolk consumption – and are encouraged to eat egg whites as an alternative. 

Egg yolks – Making a comeback

There you have it! Whole egg’s when eaten in moderation are a part of a healthy diet and contain the essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids to fuel and rebuild your body. Check out some of our tips on how to prepare whole eggs below and get crackin!

Tips for egg preparation:

The healthiest way to cook eggs is with olive oil on low heat in a cast iron skillet. Cook until the eggs are white and firm. As a part of a healthy plan, try to avoid adding extra fat or calories like butter or grease to your eggs. 

Check out for eggs cooking tips, info and more!

Egg Dietary Information:

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